IUNC Latin America 2016 - The 2nd International Universities Networking Conference + EduAgencyWorkshop
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 2nd International Universities Networking Conference - IUNC Latin America 2016, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on March 10–11, 2016.
IUNC Latin America 2016 is an exclusive face-to-face networking event specifically designed to connect universities from around the world with international office directors and representatives from Latin American institutions and edu agents. More than 100 delegates from five continents will attend the IUNC Latin America conference in 2016.
The next year IUNC Organizing Committee will welcome a new HigherEd audience in additional to HEIs, language schools and HigherEd service providers - Edu Agencies, which recruit students from Latin American countries. Now you can meet the smartest edu agents of the region during IUNC conferences.
The main distinctive feature of the IUNC Latin America 2016 is the format of prescheduled one-to-one meetings.
Take advantage of 30 one-to-one prescheduled meetings, over two days, with the universities & agencies of your choice to discuss cooperation, partnerships, student or academic exchange and students recruiting. An integrated programme is enriched with various networking features like networking dinners and lunches, coffee breaks and evening events. All these activities are essential part of the IUNC conference and allow you to strengthen new existing relationships in a relaxed and easy-for-communication environment.
How it works
Two weeks prior to the event you will receive a login and password to the online meeting scheduling system. Once logged in you will be able to see all the attending universities together with a description of the institution, their programmes and the participating representatives. By simply selecting the universities you wish to meet an invitation will be generated. Once accepted, it will automatically add to your meeting schedule. At the same time the corresponding universities can make meeting with you in exactly the same way.
Benefits of participating in Agent Workshop during the conference IUNC Latin America 2016:
Quality Contacts: A diverse mix of the local edu agents, interested in recruiting students for foreign universities. Boutique Event: IUNC Latin America is very specific and focused event. Our participants are only "proper" people - international relations officers, responsible for university partnerships development, and the best local edu agents, so you will get opportunity to meet every potential partner, and just as importantly, they know you. Quality Appointments: you only meet the highly motivated edu agents, leaving you with sufficient time for a full discussion of your programmes. Efficiency: The most saving and cost-effective way to meet multiple quality screened agents in one location. Read the agency profiles, decide which agents you want to meet and book the appointments. It’s that simple.
IUNC Latin America 2016 welcomes you to Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city in Brazil, the sixth largest city in the Americas and the world’s thirty-fifth largest city by population. "Rio" as the city is commonly abbreviated is also the third largest metropolitan area in Brazil. It is considered one of the main tourist destinations in the Southern Hemisphere and is famous for its beaches, Carnaval celebration and various landmarks such as the statue of Christ the Redeemer.
The Conference program includes:
— Open sessions and seminars on various topics about:
trends of international education and latest HE analytics effective ways of cooperation between universities recruitment technologies state scholarship programs
— Prescheduled meetings with universities
— Campus tour to prospective partner universities
— Networking activities
The participants will find the following avenues for cooperation at the Conference:
Academic exchange of students Faculty exchange Student recruitment Creating joint educational programs Exchange of educational products Joint grant applications
Enjoy the prime networking opportunities in the heart of South America and increase your competitiveness on international education market!
Контактное лицо: Юлия (написать письмо автору)
Компания: Universities Union of Eurasia (все новости этой организации)
Добавлен: 13:30, 20.07.2015
Количество просмотров: 607
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