CONTACT system helps victims of the typhoon in the Philippines
CONTACT payment system announces campaign to help victims of supertyphoon «Haiyan» and will return in full to Sender fee for money transfers sent to the Philippines.
The «CONTACT: Philippine Typhoon Relief» campaign is valid from 15 November to 31 December 2013 and applies to money transfers sent from Russia to the Philippines. Under the terms of the campaign the total amount of Sender fee is returned to the sender’s mobile phone specified in transfer application form. Cash back is deposited to Sender’s mobile phone next day after the transfer was paid to the recipient. Money transfers to the Philippines can be sent in any of more than 14 thousands CONTACT POS, located throughout Russia, as well as using online payment service CONTACT24 via Internet or mobile apps for Android and iOS. Transfers are made in U.S. dollars and paid out in more than 1300 CONTACT POS in the Republic of the Philippines.
«All over the world people were shocked by the severe impact of the Haiyang typhoon, which took the lives of thousands of people in the Philippines and destroyed the country's infrastructure - said Elena Gafarova, Vice-President of RUSSLAVBANK, the operator of the payment system. - Campaign «CONTACT: Philippine Typhoon Relief» is aimed at preserving the ties of many Filipinos living in Russia with their families at home, and help them to support their loved ones in difficult times, to make donations to the recovery from the disaster».
Контактное лицо: +7(495)627 57 57 доб.0213, 0374 (написать письмо автору)
Компания: CONTACT payment system (все новости этой организации)
Добавлен: 00:14, 16.11.2013
Количество просмотров: 816
Страна: другие страны
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