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ACEX Members NOVOTEC plus and Boxberry Summed up the Results of 2017

NOVOTEC plus, ACEX Novorossiysk and Boxberry delivery service that represents e-commerce in the Alliance shared their results in 2017.
According to the report made by NOVOTEC plus the company’s results are as follows.

• Imported – 5 627 containers, 132 863 tons;
• Export – 2 675 containers, 66 992 tons;
• Transit – 220 containers, 4 448 tons;
• Re-export– 7 containers, 166 tons.
Total 8 529 containers, 204 470 tons.

Apart from it the following services have been rendered:
• Loading/unloading services based on direct contracts with warehouses - 1183 containers, 19 000 tons
• Sea freight forwarding - 256 parties, 15 473 tons
• Acceptance / shipment of railway cars - 258 cars, 17 400 tons
• Road transportation forwarding (TIR) - 94 cars, 1 943 tons
• Services of the container terminal (reception, accumulation, delivery, additional services) – 4004 containers
• Cargo customs declarations issued – 1984
• Sea freight - 1595 containers
• Over 60 000 tons of various freights are accepted at the warehouses.

The total number of containers that were processed and the total weight of the cargo that were handled are 34% and 28% more than the results of the previous year. The stated results indicate that the NOVOTEC group is developing at the logistics market and strengthens its positions.

NOVOTEC Plus has been operating in Novorossiysk for over 20 years. The company is the member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Novorossiysk, the South rice union, the Guild of professional members of foreign economic activity “Hermes” (Saint Petersburg) and the member of the Russian worldwide logistics alliance ACEX.

The year was successful as well for another member of the ACEX Alliance. Within last year Boxberry showed 1.5 times increase of parcel office network, 86% more imported items and launched the international returns service.

By the end of 2017 412 Russian cities offered more than 1,700 Boxberry pickup points, while in the same period of 2016 the company's regional network had 1,085 offices in 333 cities. The Southern Federal District, the Ural region and Siberia developed most actively in 2017. In addition, in 2017 the company managed to increase the number of sent parcels significantly – about 86% compared with the same period in 2016. At the same time, Moscow and St. Petersburg saw the increase of the imported volume, as well as the regions. It became real due to the active development of regional online shopping and Boxberry geography expansion.

Also in 2017 the company continued to expand the range of services for recipients. Thus, in April Boxberry International launched an international return service and became the first and only Russian company that provides customers with the opportunity to return goods to Asos, the British online store, for free. "We have managed to offer the price for services such that made it free of charge for individuals," Boxberry International CEO, Marat Artuganov comments .

The number of online stores with Boxberry delivery has also grown. Currently, Boxberry teams up with more than 4,000 Russian e-retailers and about 100 international ones. It has to be noted, earlier the main flow of imports came from the United States, whereas in 2017 a significant stream of goods from European online stores joined it. The relevant contribution to that was the launch of sorting hubs in the United States and Great Britain, where shipments of any volume are dropped off and the consolidation service is offered. And also a new warehouse started operations in the Netherlands. It resulted in the 1.5 times growth of international shipments volume within last year.

"Undoubtedly now we are aimed at further development," Mikhail Konev, Boxberry CEO, shared the plans for 2018. We have to admit that at the moment the clients' need in availability of parcel offices is not fully satisfied, so in 2018 we will continue to maintain the network growth rates at the level of 2017 ".
Boxberry Delivery Service was founded in 2010. One of the essential advantages of the company is the developed network of pickup points. Now Boxberry regional network has more than 1,700 offices in 420 cities, 220 of them are in Moscow. Returns to Asos online store are dropped off in more than 1200 offices.

Boxberry is the first logistics company representing the e-commerce sphere in the Alliance. The delivery service supports ACEX initiatives to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with overseas partners and set up a global system of freight deliveries.

More details at
ACEX Alliance Press Center

Контактное лицо: ACEX Alliance Press Center (написать письмо автору)
Компания: ACEX Alliance (все новости этой организации)
Добавлен: 16:58, 30.01.2018
Количество просмотров: 674
Страна: Россия

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