IUNC Eurasia 2016 - The 5th International Universities Networking Conference + Edu Agency Workshop
IUNC Organizing Committee cordially invites you to participate in the 5th Annual International Universities Networking Conference - IUNC Eurasia 2016 on May 11-13, 2016 in Moscow, Russia.
IUNC Eurasia 2016 is the first and unique conference on Int’l Higher Education creating the effective and easy-to-use platform for “university-to-university” and “university-to-agent” first contact establishment and further cooperation development.
The conference will gather up to 200 participants from Eurasia and all over the world. The IUNC Eurasia 2016 program will combine engaging sessions and presentations from the world leading experts of University Int’l Relations, round-tables and discussions offering great opportunities to share the best practices and catalyzing ideas exchange and, as usual, extraordinary networking activities. The main distinctive feature of the IUNC Eurasia 2016 is the format of prescheduled one-to-one meetings.
The IUNC Eurasia 2016 will bundle 2 important HigherEd audiences: universities and edu agencies. There will be excellent opportunities for HEIs to find proper agency at the conference, and discuss int’l student recruitment issues directly on site. For agencies, IUNC Eurasia 2016 will build a friendly environment for presenting themselves and appealing to possible collaboration results.
EEUA will host the 5th Annual IUNC Eurasia 2016 conference. The Head of EEUA will coordinate the IUNC Eurasia 2016 and open the Conference, giving the overview of Int’l Higher Education on the territory of CIS countries (former Soviet Union states) and presenting the latest EEUA’s research on Int’l HigherEd.
Meet foreign & local universities, edu agencies and learn the cutting-edge tendencies in Eurasian Higher Education at the 5th Annual IUNC Eurasia 2016 in Moscow.
IUNC 2016 offers a state-of-the-art meeting e-scheduler, which helps participants to find suitable contacts and make appointments quickly and efficiently. Managing of your conference meetings is a breeze to use today!
Discover Moscow - the capital of the biggest and the most amazing country in the world!
The Conference program includes: — Open sessions and seminars on various topics about:
trends of international education effective ways of cooperation between universities recruitment technologies state scholarship programs
— Prescheduled meetings with universities and agencies — Campus tour to prospective partner universities — Networking activities
There are many ways of collaboration you will find at the conference:
Academic exchange of students Faculty exchange Creating joint educational programs Exchange of educational products Joint grant applications
Контактное лицо: Юлия (написать письмо автору)
Компания: Universities Union of Eurasia (все новости этой организации)
Добавлен: 15:22, 20.07.2015
Количество просмотров: 696
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29–30 марта 2025 года
Главный учебный корпус МГПУ
Это уникальное мероприятие объединит профессионалов образования для обсуждения актуальных вызовов и представления инновационных решений для школ, детских садов и образовательных учреждений. |
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