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Transport Logistic Munich. Perception of the Russian Business

This year became the first experience of ACEX alliance representing the Russian business at the world's greatest fair.
This year became the first experience of the ACEX alliance representing the Russian business at the world's greatest fair. There were companies from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Togliatti, Kazan, as well as from the Baltic States and Finland at the joint booth . The Russian logistics booth demonstrated modern technologies in the field of freight forwarding, EDI-declaring, IT logistics solutions, programs of legal and foreign economic support for cargo owners worldwide.
Besides normal activities and negotiations at the booth there were different events all over the fair. The exhibitors could use different ways to attract attention to their business, such as formal events (bilateral negotiations, promotion actions, publications in mass media, invitation of cargo owners to the booth) and informal activities (opportunity to meet top managers of the biggest companies at the exhibitors' bar counters, that became normal for the Bavarian exhibition).
The booth of the Russian logistics offered its guests national cuisine and light beverages served by the good looking Russian stewardess. The joint booth was visited by reliable partners from the biggest companies worldwide such as Aramex, Quick Cargo Service, Air Charter Service, Champ and others. The representatives discussed the actual and future projects and agreed to continue cooperation.
Miroslav Zolotarev, the Board Director of the ACEX Alliance, noted that ACEX is focused on international cooperation and developing partnership with the logistics companies and associations all over the world.
The global networks such as CLN and NAP also visited the booth of the Russian Logistics as well as the new network NAFL (UAE) was a guest of the Russian booth, its representative signed the Memo about international cooperation.
Memorandum about international cooperation and creation of the Transcontinental logistic partnership was signed at the Russian logistics booth. The Memorandum was signed by the companies from Switzerland, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Ukraine, UAE.
Among those who signed the document were: Oleg Dunaev, Chairman of Subcommittee of Transport and Logistics of the Committee of International Cooperation of the RSPP, Uwe Leuschner, Vice president of Deutsche Bahn Cargo, Dr. Gernot Tesch, CEO of ROSTOK PORT, Dr. Karen von Bismark, Head of the Russian and German economic club, Miroslav Zolotarev, Board director of the ACEX Alliance, Frank Müller, President of AsstrA associated Traffic A.G., Igor Murzaev, General director of Eisa Shipping Agencies, Nadia Abdul Aziz, President of NAFL, and 20 more other top managers of logistics companies.
According to the co-exhibitors the joint booth let the participants to reduce costs presenting their company at the big booth with enough space for negotiations.
Miroslav Zolotarev, the ACEX Alliance Board Director, compares the preparation to the exhibition with the game of chess stating that the company making a booth makes a strategy preparing for participation in the event. This strategy makes the business turn around and Messe involves the companies into the circulation of the worldwide logistics.
Nikita Kovalevsky, CEO of Optima Freight, ACEX member in Finland and co-exhibitor, compares this fair with a 3D model of the Logistics. "When you come to Transport Logistic you see all the scale of the logistics world, - says Nikita Kovalevsky, - maybe the image can become even more vivid if I compare the exhibiting with the moment when a watch-master opens a watch and sees the mechanism working through the microscope. Everything becomes clear."
Nils Walle, Co-Founder of RW solutions, the founder of the biggest international logistics summit (The Freight Summit) has 80-90 useful contacts bringing potential business.
Chadi Fares, Aramex Head of Global Freight (UAE) tells: “Every time the fair becomes better than before. This is the best fair we ever attend. We see suppliers, we see clients, we see competitors, we see everybody”.
The next meeting will take place in Shanghai in 2018 and then Germany again in 2019. The Russian logistics companies will for sure be exhibited at the fair next time.

Details at
ACEX Alliance press center

Контактное лицо: ACEX Alliance Press Center (написать письмо автору)
Компания: ACEX Alliance (все новости этой организации)
Добавлен: 10:39, 11.06.2017
Количество просмотров: 812
Страна: Россия

В сервисном локомотивном депо «Смоленск» компании «ЛокоТех-Сервис» подвели итоги года и наметили планы на 2025, ЛокоТех, 05:00, 17.01.2025, Россия
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Новое оборудование в СЛД «Магдагачи», ЛокоТех, 05:00, 17.01.2025, Россия
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Сервисное локомотивное депо (СЛД) «Унеча» филиала «Московский» компании «ЛокоТех-Сервис» в 2024 году выполнило программу ремонта тепловозов на 105% по отношению к плану.

В январе 146 студентов профильных учебных заведений приступили к производственной практике на предприятиях филиала «Северный» ООО «ЛокоТех-Сервис», филиал "Северный" ООО "ЛокоТех-Сервис", 04:48, 17.01.2025, Россия
Площадками для обучения будущих железнодорожников стали сервисные локомотивные депо «Вологда», «Иваново» и «Печора».

СЛД «Канск-Иланский» филиала «Красноярский» прошло ресертификацию системы менеджмента качества (СМК), ЛокоТех, 04:46, 17.01.2025, Россия
Аудит СМК на соответствие требованиям стандарта ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001-2015 в сервисном локомотивном депо (СЛД) «Канск-Иланский» филиала «Красноярский» компании «ЛокоТех-Сервис» провела независимая компания DQS.

В январе 146 студентов профильных учебных заведений приступили к производственной практике на предприятиях филиала «Северный» компании «ЛокоТех-Сервис», ЛокоТех, 04:45, 17.01.2025, Россия
Площадками для обучения будущих железнодорожников стали сервисные локомотивные депо (СЛД) «Вологда», «Иваново» и «Печора». Перед практикой студентам проведены инструктаж по технике безопасности и ознакомительная экскурсия по цехам, выданы необходимые средства индивидуальной защиты, инструмент и оборудование. За учащимися закреплены опытные мастера.

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Экономия достигнута за счет организации участка по ремонту кожухов зубчатой передачи (КЗП) в непосредственной близости к цеху ТР-3. В основу решения легло рационализаторское предложение команды производственно-технического отдела сервисного локомотивного депо (СЛД) «Кандалакша».

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«Байкал Сервис» сменил прописку в Волгограде, ООО "Байкал-Сервис ТК", 04:42, 17.01.2025, Россия
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