Russian Logistics beyond the Politics
Now when the geopolitical situation around Russia and the CIS is difficult in the eyes of international community and there are no securities of reliable cooperation with the Russian companies the foreign trade relations between Russia and the whole world are under crisis threat. Foreign companies think twice or even three times before they make a decision to send their cargo to Russia and the CIS under the same standard conditions as accepted in the world power – conditions of cargo safety, freight forwarders’ liability insurance and legal protection between contractors. Most of foreign companies consider Russia as a risk zone where contractors can violate contracts or fail to meet the delivery dates, as well as the price can be increased by several times within the time of one delivery. But nevertheless the purchasing power is still high what makes Russian import-oriented market the most attractive for foreign businessmen. And still foreign companies play safe deliberately giving high rates and refusing in long-term crediting for shipment going to Russia. They trust only those Russian, Kazakh and Ukrainian companies with whom the business relations have already been established for many years.
Modern Russian market faces both external problems connected with international “distrust” and local ones. At the present moment the logistics industry in the CIS countries is in condition of stagnation, the volume of shipping operations is falling whereas the clients’ requirements are increasing and the competition from the side of transnational corporations is becoming tougher. One of the most powerful instruments for struggling on the competitive market is business alliances. Creation of unified platform for meetings and negotiations in the territory of “trade area” will permit to join together the businessmen’s goals from different countries and regions and give opportunity to learn the specificity of work in every country “at first hand” and to search for regional partners. That is why all small and medium sized foreign logistics companies are the members of different guilds and associations created for their members’ protection. However the Russian companies are not active enough while taking part in strategic alliances with foreign partners for their business development. One of the possible reasons can be lack of clear understanding of benefits from such cooperation and what additional advantages can be received from partner relations.
As an example of business cooperation we can consider the first Russian Worldwide Logistics Alliance Associated Cargo Experts (ACEX) which combines independent Russian and foreign freight forwarders. Its goal is to develop joint business in the field of logistics and customs clearance in the territory of Russia and CIS countries. The members of the Alliance are both foreign forwarding companies interested in business development in the RF and the CIS and transport companies from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novorossiysk, Yekaterinburg and other key transport regions. The aim of the ACEX Alliance is to help the forwarding companies in logistics supply chain formation, as well as provision of respectable competition to the large multinational corporations.
The Head of the ACEX Alliance (Associated Cargo Experts) Miroslav Zolotarev tells about the idea of an international Alliance creation: “Freight forwarders from different regions of Russia are invited to join the alliance. We are waiting for like-minded people, the best local forwarders in their areas and regions who do not have a global international coverage, but still wish to develop and expand their businesses. In nowadays market conditions our Russian partners, medium-sized companies can’t exist and be successful singly, focusing only on their sector-specific regional market. Competition from the large multinational corporations is becoming tougher and stronger. By entering the alliance forwarders together will get a full range of logistics services in any field either in sea, land transportation, customs clearance, warehousing services or express delivery. The ACEX Alliance was created to help the freight forwarders from Russia and the CIS join together and become stronger». For the purpose of further development of international business and search of reliable international partners the logistics Alliance Associated Cargo Experts is organizing an international ACEX Conference which will take place in Moscow in September 12-14, 2014. International forwarding companies and representatives of the Russian logistics business will meet at this Conference. Meeting format will be face-to-face business negotiations between foreign and Russian businessmen during two days of the Conference. Each participant will have opportunity to meet with agents from any country worldwide presented in the Alliance, as well as to choose the best partner in terms of rates, service and functionality. Among the invitees will be experts, top-managers of large airline companies and GSA and the representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation who will overview the logistics industry conditions in Russia and foreign trade, economic, legal relations with other countries. The largest logistics mass media and information web-portals will also support the Conference.
Details at http://www.acex.net/en/press_center/2510/ ACEX Alliance Press Center E-mail: acex@acex.net Website: http://www.acexgroup.net
Контактное лицо: Press center ACEX Alliance (написать письмо автору)
Компания: ACEX Group (все новости этой организации)
Добавлен: 08:10, 12.09.2014
Количество просмотров: 736
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