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Participation in the “Interlogistika-2014” Conference in Moscow

ACEX Group Chairman Miroslav Zolotarev took part in the “Short-sleeve meeting of the top-managers of logistics industry”. Round-table conference took place on September 10 during "InterLogistika International exhibition of complex solutions in transport and logistics industry".
Leaders and top-managers of logistics, technological, manufacturing and IT companies also participated in this event.
Participation in the exhibition was aimed at attracting forwarding and logistics companies’ attention to the first Russian worldwide logistics Alliance, searching for partners who could contribute to forming logistics supply chains and represent Russian regions for international partners with maximal efficiency.
"The goal was to participate in the logistics momentous event among other respected companies, make a report and get out our vision on the logistics in the RF and paths of its development. The matters of supply chains and the participants’ ability to form them have been discussed during the event. The visitors of exhibition and conference participants expressed great interest to the event. They audience stayed at the conference for all two hours; the discussion lasted even longer that it had been planned what proves that the topic, the composition of participants and their opinion were of great interest", - commented on the event results the speaker of round-table discussion Miroslav Zolotarev.
The Second, but not less important event during the Business program of exhibition was the session held on September 8 within the framework of the Conference “Logistics of 2014: process optimization and risks decrease”. The leaders of the Alliance also participated in this event.
The chairman of the Alliance delivered a report on the topic: «Consolidation and cooperation for logistics companies development of Russian and international transport infrastructure».
What market conditions do the Russian logistics companies operate in? Sore points and risks for the Russian logistics.
How to survive for the international transport companies amidst large geopolitics?
Three main scenarios of logistics market consolidation based on the best international practices.
• Alliance formation for uniting together the Russian and international markets of logistics services. Why is such Alliance important in Russia and what will it give for the logistics companies in Russia and the CIS countries?".
During the conference a practical report on the market condition was made: What market conditions do Russian logistics companies operate in? What are the ways to reduce the logistics costs for every businessman? Also the speakers gave practical positive examples of the companies’ growth in the crisis conditions based on the best practices of foundation and development of transports alliances.
After the conference the audience could not leave the Forum-hall for a long time. The speaker’s presentation aroused additional questions and interest of the company owners and top-managers to a new form of organization. Many of participants exchanged their contacts, made appointments for further discussion of conditions and benefits of cooperation.
The participants estimated the event results as a successful start for further cooperation between Alliance conference and InterLogistika. Also the opportunity of joint event conduct in future is under discussion.
ACEX Alliance Press Center
Website: The First Russian International Logistics Alliance ACEX - is a business association of independent Russian and foreign freight forwarders, aimed to develop mutual business connected with logistics and customs clearance in Russia and the CIS. Alliance consists of more than 100 strong and most experienced in their countries and regions freight forwarding companies from different countries around the world.

Контактное лицо: Press Center ACEX Alliance (написать письмо автору)
Компания: ACEX Group (все новости этой организации)
Добавлен: 10:59, 02.10.2014
Количество просмотров: 712
Страна: Россия

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